Сценарии мероприятие по английскому школе. Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку. Любимые школьные уроки

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 7-8 классах

«A story of one tradition, or 5 o’clock tea»

Трофимова Юлия Николаевна, учитель английского языка МКОУ "Медвежьегорская СОШ№1", Республика Карелия
Форма проведения: учебно-познавательная игра
Форма организации: групповая (команды по 5-6 человек)
Оснащение: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, раздаточные материалы, аудио - и видеозаписи; чайный сервиз, салфетки и муляжи продуктов питания.
Цель: обобщение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся, полученных на уроках английского языка и актуализация новых знаний.
1. Образовательные:
1.совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по следующим видам речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение;
2.совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков
2. Развивающие:
1.Развитие и тренировка внимания, памяти, мышления.
2.Расширение общего кругозора
3.Развитие умение работать в коллективе и принимать совместное решение.
4.Развивать положительные личностные качества (ответственность, доброжелательность, чувство взаимопомощи).
1.Воспитание интереса к изучению предмета.
2.Воспитание уважения к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.

Этапы игры:
1. Ознакомительный этап (история возникновения традиции)
2. Как приготовить настоящий английский чай?
3. Пословицы и фразеологизмы о чае
4. Чайный этикет в Англии
5. Песня про чай
6. Викторина
7. Заключение (рефлексия, подведение итогов)

Ход мероприятия

1 этап -Ознакомительный

(1-2 слайд) - Hello, boys and girls! Do you like drinking tea? The English really do. Today you will learn some new interesting facts about one of the distinctive English traditions, called afternoon tea, or 5 o"clock tea. Let’s watch a video. (Учащиеся смотрят фрагмент видео "Five o"clock tea at Brown"s Hotel London")
(3 слайд) - Do you have any idea why Englishmen drink tea at exactly this time of the day?

(4-6 слайд) -This tradition dates back to 1840 and appeared thanks to Anna Maria Stanhope, Duchess of Bedford, who was the maid of honor of Queen Victoria. The fact is that during the 18th century a supper was put off for a later time until the beginning of the 19th century, and it ended up to be served at 7 and 8.30 pm. The additional meal between breakfast and dinner was lunch. But there was no other meal for a long period of time before supper that people felt very hungry.

Duchess of Bedford began to suffer from "bad feeling" in the stomach about 4:00 pm , that’s why she used to order her servants to bring her a tray with tea, bread and butter. Anna appreciated the feeling of comfort, so she began to experience such a "refreshment" every day and it became her habit. She began to invite friends to join her at about 5 o"clock in the afternoon in her chambers in Bivver Castle to share tea with her. Back in London, the Duchess continued the tradition, and soon the other ladies had such tea-drinking as a regular practice.
Thus afternoon tea party was a social event. Ladies of high society had guests in the living room between 4 and 5 o"clock. They exchanged gossip, planned the evening and met new people. Sometimes a lady came just for 10-15 minutes, as she wanted to visit some of these “teas”. Different tea cakes, cookies, sandwiches and fruit were served for tea-time. Besides tea, guests could enjoy coffee, wine, sherry or champagne.(На слайдах 4-6 изображения светских чаепитий)

(7-8 слайд) - Modern pace of life has changed the traditions and lifestyles of many Englishmen, but no matter how busy they are, the British are trying to find time for something to drink tea with a slice of pie. The traditional afternoon tea offers a variety of sandwiches (mandatory are thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches (finger sandwiches), and various cakes and buns (scones).

2 этап - Составление инструкции по приготовлению чая

(9-10 слайд) - Do you know how to make traditional English cream tea? Your task is to put the actions in the right order to make a recipe. (Кто быстрее из команд составит инструкцию по приготовлению чая из предложенных действий)

3 этап - Нахождение соответствий между английскими фразеологизмами о чае и их русскими эквивалентами

(11 слайд) - Match the idioms to their meanings in Russian (Кто быстрее из команд найдет соответствия)

be not somebody’s cup of tea - не по душе;
take tea with somebody - вести дела,иметь с кем-либо деловые отношения
not… for all the tea in China - ни за что на свете (ни за какие коврижки)
a storm in a teacup - буря в стакане
be as good as a chocolate teapot - иметь мало толку (как с козла молока)
read the tea leaves - предсказывать наобум (гадать на кофейной гуще)

4 этап - Просмотр фильма о чайном этикете в Англии

Watch a video about tea etiquette in England. Make notes. After that you will have to show us how to behave at the table while drinking tea using the equipment given. (Учащиеся смотрят видео "English Cream Tea Etiquette". После просмотра фильма вызывается по одному из членов команд, чтобы продемонстрировать правила этикета. Оценивается правильность выполнения задания)

5 этап - Песня про чай

(12-13 слайд) - Now you will listen to the song called "English Tea" of a well-known English singer Paul MacCartney. Your task it to complete the lyrics of the song with the missing words given above. (Командам раздаются тексты первого куплета и припева песни с пропусками. После прослушивания песни оценивается, кто быстрее и правильно заполнил все пропуски в тексте)
Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea?
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning
What a pleasure it would be
Chatting so delightfully
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
Every Sunday morning
Miles of miles of English garden
Stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses
Listen most attentively

Let’s sing along! (Все вместе поют песню)

6 этап - Викторина

Answer the questions choosing one of the variants
(Команды получают листы с вопросами множественного выбора. Первая ответившая команда получает дополнительный балл за скорость. Далее засчитываются правильные ответы у каждой команды)
1. What time does the tradition date back to?
2 Anna Maria Stanhope was a
A.Duchess of Setford
B.Duchess of Redford
C.Duchess of Bedford
3. During afternoon tea parties in the Victorian times ladies ..
A.exchanged gossip, planned the evening and met people
B.talked with each other, watched TV and had fun
C.drank tea, shared gossips and danced
4. How are thinly sliced sandwiches called?
A.thin sandwiches
B.fine sandwiches
C.finger sandwiches
5. What is a scone?
A.a piece of bread
B.a bun

Литературно-музыкальная композиция

«Песни в борьбе за мир»

To Live Together in Peace “

Wait with all you’ve got!

Wait, when dreary yellow rains

Tell you, you should not.

Wait when snow is falling fast,

Wait when summer’s hot,

Wait when yesterdays are past,

Others are forgot.

Wait when from that far-off place,

Letters don’t arrive,

Wait, when those with whom you wait

Doubt if I’m alive.

Student 2

Wait for me, and I’ll come back!

Wait in patience yet

When they tell you off by heart

That you should forget.

Even when my dearest ones

Say that I am lost,

Even when my friends give up,

Sit and count the cost,

Drink a glass of bitter wine

To the fallen friend –

Wait! And do not drink with them!

Wait until the end!

Student 3

Wait for me and I’ll come back,

Dodging every fate!

Wait a bit of luck!” they’ll say,

Those that did not wait.

They will never understand

How amidst the strife,

By your waiting for me, dear,

You had saved my life.

How I made it, we shall know,

Only you and I.

You alone knew how to wait –

We alone know why!

Presenter 1

One of the most famous song at that time was “Katyusha”. It was heard everywhere during the war. Millions of people thought that Katuysha was a real girl, who loved a soldier and waited for the letter from him.

Presenter 2

After the war the song was spread and sung in English, Spanish and even Japanese.


Blossoms graces the apple trees and pear trees.
Mist upon the river floated by.
On the cliff top rising steep and high.

There she walked and there she started singing
Of the dove-grey eagle of the steppe
Of the one that she had her heart winging
Of the one whose letters she had kept.

Song of love her maiden love declaring,
Chase the sun and speed without delay.
Warmest greeting from Katusha bearing
To the border guard man far away.

May the boy his village girl remember,
May he hear her love of tenderness,
May he guard his native land forever,
And Katusha guard her love no less.

Blossoms filled the apple trees and pear trees;
Mist upon the river floated by,
Down Katusha came to gather berries
On the cliff top rising steep and high.

Presenter 2

The war went on. Our soldiers fought heroically and bravely. But when they had time for rest, they sang songs and listen to famous singers at the concerts. The most favourite song was

The Dug - Out”

The Dug Out В землянке

Бьётся в тесной печурке огонь

На поленьях смола как слеза

И поёт мне в землянке гармонь

Про улыбку твою и глаза

Про тебя мне шептали кусты

В белоснежных полях под Москвой

Я хочу, чтобы слышала ты

Как тоскует мой

I shall come to you, darling, at last

Thro’ the snow – fields that lie on the way,

Thro’ the distance between us is vast

And my death lurks but four steps away

Sing, accordion, and outface the storm,

Guide lost happiness till she returns.

My great love makes this dug – out seem warm,

And that love in my heart always burns.

Presenter 1

In September 1944, residents of the city with bouquets of roses greeted their liberators and as one of the soldiers said that while his hands can hold weapons, the roses would never be sprayed with blood. People"s memory retained the name of the soldier; it’s a friendly and melodious Russian name Alesha. With roses, he is immortalized in stone.


When snow falls on fields and the forest,

On fields and the forest,

When snow falls of fields and the forest,

Or rainstorms are lashing the land,

On a hill in Bulgaria Alyosha

Alyosha, Alyosha,

On a hill in Bulgaria Alyosha,

The Russian soldier lad stands.

Our hearts still go out to that soldier,

Go out to that soldier,

Our hearts still go out to that soldier

As if we still heard bullets drone.

His tunic and shoulder,

Of stone are his tunic and shoulder,

His boots, too, are carved out of stone.

How great were the soldier lads’ losses,

In our land their losses,

How great were the solders lads’ losses,

They died and their names were not known.

Alyosha, Alyosha,

But this soldier here, our Alyosha,

To all of Bulgaria is known.

The valleys and bowers,

How peaceful the valleys and bowers,

But there on the hill he must stay.

Can offer no flowers,

To girls he can offer no flowers,

But they bring him flowers each day.

As dear as the sweet breezes blowing,

The sweet breezes blowing,

As dear as the sunshine a- glowing,

Or a star in the sky bright and fair,

The city below him,

He watches the city below him,

As if he had always stood there.

Presenter 2

Songs played a very important part in people’s lives during the war. They helped to cheer everyday life and boosted the morale of the soldiers. There were all kinds of songs – patriotic, sentimental, danceable, and humorous.

Presenter 1

The late 30s and early 40s produced some of the best and most enduring war songs. Sixty years later they are still popular and continue to be played worldwide.

Presenter 2

One of such songs is “Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer” written by a famous American composer Jimmy McHugh.

Presenter 1

It came out at the end of 1942 and immediately became a huge hit on both sides of the Atlantic.

Presenter 2

In 1943 it was translated into Russian and was first sung by Leonid Utyosov. Nowadays the modern version of the song “ Бомбардировщики ” is performed by the group “Chizh & Co”

Бомбардировщики ( видеофрагмент )

Presenter 1

Our people, our soldiers hoped to put an end to the war, to win it. Little children wrote letters to soldiers to the front, wrote poems for them. Listen to such poems.

Presenter 2

1. I want to live and not to die

I want to dream and not to cry

Presenter 1

2. I want to feel the summer sun

I want to live when life is fun

Presenter 2

3. I want to stretch out friendly hands

For all the young of other lands

Presenter 1

4. I want to fly into the blue

I want to swim as fishes do

Presenter 2

5. I want to live and not to make

No atom bomb for my shining world.

Presenter 1

You all remember The Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010. It was held at the sports complex

Presenter 2

The United Nations Children"s Fund (UNICEF) was a partner of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010. Organizers of Junior Eurovision 2010 wanted to attract attention of the general public to children with special needs. Some of the tickets for rehearsals and the televised show were given away to Belarusian orphans (сироты) and children with disabilities.

Presenter 1

Dmitry Koldun represented his new hit “A Day Without War”.

A DAY WITHOUT WAR (B.Vartanyan - D.Basik)
Look into the eyes
of children orphaned by the war.
Can we sacrifice
their tears for goals we’re fighting for?
Just tell me why, one reason why
We fight to make our children cry?

Give me day without war,
Just a day to fight no more,
Just a day to stop it all,
Just one day to change the world.
Give me day to tell the cost
Of the lives that we have lost,
And to say we’ve had enough
Making war instead of love!

Look into the eyes
of mothers that have lost their sons,
And make them realize
the reason why we shoot the guns.
Just tell them why, one reason why
We make them see their children die?

Strange Dream (a poem)

I never dreamed before ;

To put an end the war.

I dreamed I saw the biggest room,

The room was full of men,

And papers they were signing said,

They’d never fight again!

And when the papers they all signed,

And million copies made,

They all joined hands and bowed their hands

And prayers began to pray.

The people in the streets below

Were dancing round and round,

And swords and guns and uniforms,

They scattered on the ground.

Last night I had the strangest dream,

I never dreamed befor e ;

I dreamed the world at last agreed

To put an end the war.

May there always Be Sunshine! (Пусть всегда будет солнце!)

1. Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on high,
That was the little boy"s picture,
He drew for you,
Wrote for you, too,
Just to make clear what he drew -
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mummie,
May there always be me!
2. My little friend,
Listen, my friend,
Peace is the dream of the people,
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.
3.Soldier lad, stay!
Hear what we say -
War would make all of us losers.
Peace is our prize,
Millions of eyes
Anxiously gaze at the skies.

Presenter 2

Our fathers and grandfathers were willing to lay down their lives for the honor and freedom of our country. They were united and they defended ou r Мо therland. Let’s bow low today before all veterans of the Great Patriotic War and wish them a long a happy life.

Presenter 1

It’s a celebration that inspires us to the highest moral deeds and gives us t he opportunity once again to bow down before those who gave us freedom, the freedom to live, work, feel joy, create, and understand each other.

Glory to Victory day!

Presenter 2

Our party is over. Thank you! Good Bye!

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку ""Intellectual show: How to Understand These Mystifying Americans?"" Мероприятие предназначено для учащихся 10-11 классов

(УМК В.П.Кузовлева и др. “English-10-11”) для проверки знаний по изученным темам и общего уровня развития по различным предметам. В викторине принимают участие 2 команды. Количество правильных ответов соответствует количеству баллов. Выигрывает команда, набравшая наибольшее количество баллов. Перед викториной целесообразно показать презентацию по теме «США». Викторину можно провести как итоговое мероприятие, а также во время проведения недели английского языка.

Тема: The USA

Форма проведения: викторина.


Воспитание уважительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка; - расширение кругозора;

Стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


Развивать умение воспринимать информацию на слух;

Совершенствовать умение отвечать на вопросы.


Иллюстрации, стенгазеты по теме «США»;

Карта, флаг США;

Компьютерная презентация.

Ведущий : Hello, everybody! We are happy to greet you in our assembly hall. Today we are going to have a very interesting intellectual show connected with the elements of history, geography and culture of the USA.

Ведущий : -You know that"s it"s a highly find a person who doesn"t know who discovered the United States of America. Yes, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.Do you know about the history of this wonderful country? I offer you to see a presentation about history of discovering the USA. It was made by the pupil of the 11 B form……

(показ презентации об истории Америки)

Ведущий : Thanks a lot to Helen for this interesting and useful information.

There are a lot of important days for every American. So they have one day in November when all Americans stay at home with their families and eat a big dinner .Can you guess what day do I mean? (Thanksgiving Day)

Ведущий : -You are right. They give thanks for many good things in their lives. Special dinner on this day is called feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with mashed potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day. Football is the most popular game on this day. For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers and vegetables. Horns of plenty are also very popular. Charitable organizations serve dinner to needy people. They also send baskets of food to elderly and sick. And now we are going to show you a scene about the history of Thanksgiving Day performed by pupils of the 9 G form.

(Начинается спектакль. Действующие лица – учащиеся 9г).


Characters: Story-teller, the Pilgrims, Indians.

Story-teller: On September 16,1620 the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England. The ship was called the Mayflower, they landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26,1620.

The 1st Pilgrim: Oh, I see a land! Look!

All Pilgrims: Land! Hurrah! Land!

The 2nd Pilgrim: Look! There are people there. They welcome us.

The Indian Leader: Welcome to our land! Who are you? Where are you from?

The 1st Pilgrim: We are Pilgrims. We are from England. We have come for new lives. And who are you? The Indian Leader: We are Indians. We have been living here for a long time. You may stay here and live on our land.

Pilgrims: Thank you very much!

Story-teller: The first winter was a terrible time. The Pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died. Then the Native Americans, the Indians, helped the Pilgrims.

The 3rd Pilgrims: We have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick. What shall we do? (Появляются индейцы с корзинками еды).

The 1st Indian: Hello! We have brought food to you: bread, vegetables, fruit, corn, and other things.

The 3rd Pilgrim: Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We"ll never forget you!

Story-teller: Spring came. Indians taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt, to fish. In other words - how to survive in America.

( Индейцы показывают пилигримам , как выращивать кукурузу , строить дома , ловить рыбу , охотиться ).

The 2nd Indian: We"ll teach you how to plant corn, build houses, hunt and fish. Our land is very rich.

The 4th Pilgrim: Thanks! We"ll pray for you! We"ll be good pupils.

Story-teller: The crops did well, and in the fall (autumn) of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited the Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.

The 2nd Pilgrim: Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly. And we " l l never forget those days !

(Индейцы и пилигримы садятся за праздничный стол.На столе: индейка (муляж), клюква, фрукты, кукуруза, пирог и др. Вождь индейцев произносит здравицу в честь пилигримов).

TheIndianLeader :

Heap high the board with plenteous cheer ,

And gather to the feast,

And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band

Whose courage never ceased .

(Ставьте на столы обильное угощение и собирайтесь на праздник, Поднимем тост за стойких пилигримов, чьё мужество никогда не иссякнет).

The 1st Pilgrim: Thanks a lot! Now let"s have a fun! Let"s recite poems and sing songs.

The 4 th Pilgrim :

(Это стихотворение могут рассказывать несколько пилигримов)


Pilgrim children had little time to play.

The first child chopped lots of wood.

The second child helped make the family"s food.

The third helped keep the horses fed.

The fourth child made a mattress for his bed.

The fifth child made soap and candle.

The sixth child turned a meat-roasting handle.

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

Pilgrim children hat little time to play.

The 3rd Pilgrim:


This plump turkey spread his tail like a fan.

This plump turkey, away he ran.

This plump turkey flew up in a tree.

This plump turkey gobbled at me.

This plump turkey said, "I"ll leave right away.

So the cook can"t find me on Thanksgiving Day".

Indians: And now let"s sing an Indian song. While singing use pantomime to show the actions in this active song

This is the way we beat our drum, Beat our drum, beat our drum, This is the way we beat our drum, We are the Wampanoag. (Continue with these verses: plant our corn, grind our corn, hunt for food, wash our clothes).

Story-teller: Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national day of observance by Congress of the United States in 1941. Today, Thanksgiving is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season and in many cities Thanksgiving marks the arrival of Santa Claus.


Ведущий : Thanks a lot to our actors for amazing performance. And our show must go on. Now it"s time to start our intellectual competition between humanitarian and mathematical departments. Are you ready? I believe that you have good knowledge of English ,so it will not be difficult for you to answer our questions today

Ведущий : - And firstly let me introduce our jury. The main judge today is Larisa Petrovna ,an English teacher from school № 12 and our favourite English teachers……

Ведущий : - And now our participants. We are happy to see you here. Every team has chosen a leader.Theleader must introduce his team. Sayme, please, the name and motto of your team.

.( Капитаны команд представляют свою команду :

Our team is…. . Our motto is ….. .)

Thank yo и . I see that you are ready to move, so we start out battle just now. Good luck!

Ведущий : -The competition consists of several tasks. The first task is to answer the questions about the USA. If you give the right reply your team will get 1 point. If you are wrong your rivals can answer the same question and get 1 more point for their team. Dear audience keep a silence , please.

( видеовопросы, ведуший читает вопросы для каждой команды)

Ведущий : -You were very active, thank you for your job! The next task will be for our leaders. Now come to me, please.(выходяткапитаны ). I"ll give the sheet of paper with a funny tongue twister. You must read a tongue twister as quickly as possible, so you need time to train in saying it.

Ведущий : -And we will have a rest at this time. Do you like to rest? And I like to have a rest too. So we will listen to a song performed by the pupil of the 11 V form

..( исполняет песню ).

Ведущий : - What a nice singing! I got a great pleasure! And you? Thanks a lot to Lera!

Let"s begin the second task of our competition between the captains of the teams. You can get 5 points for the best reciting.

( читают скороговорки )

You are welcome.

1. Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter"s bitter.

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.

So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,

put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.

So"t was better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

My mother"s making me marry Mary Mac.

Will I always be so Merry when Mary"s taking care of me?

Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?

Ведущий :You can take your seats. It was exciting to listen to your pronunciation of these tongue twisters.

What people are outstanding to your opinion?

Ведущий : -I think this word means unusual, above average level. Outstanding people can be sportsmen, politicians, artists, military men etc. They were devoted to their country and their aim, had strong wills, were very clever, hard-working and industrious.

Ведущий : -Do you think that the lives of outstanding people are full of happiness and joy?

Ведущий : -No, I do not think so. Their lives are usually tragic and full of struggle. They are not like other people that are why they suffer from envy, jealousy and misunderstanding.

Ведущий : -Do you want to be famous in your future?

Ведущий : -On the one hand, I want to be famous because I want my parents and my country to be proud of me. On the other hand, being an outstanding person is a great responsibility and it is very difficult. So, I do not really know if I want to be famous.

Ведущий : -I think you have a lot of time to decide. The USA has a lot of outstanding people in different fields: science, music, art, literature, policy.

Ведущий : -I suppose you know their names very well. So I offer to you to guess and describe some famous people of the USA. Pay attention to the screen. You see some photos, remember their names and say what they famous for are. You have 1 minute to remember and then we"ll check your replies. Уou will get 1 point for every right answer.

(на экране фото некоторых американских знаменитостей, отгадать,кто они и чем они знамениты)

Well-done! Thank you!

Ведущий : -It"s time to see a modern American dance performed by pupils of the 10G form.

(танец «Американо» исполняют девочки 10 г)

Thanks a lot. We enjoyed your dancing very much. It was a fiery dance.

Ведущий : - I think it"s time to add some cheer to the atmosphere. Do you remember that Americans have a lot of important days in their lives? As you know every holiday has its own traditions and customs. The population of the USA is made of people of different nationalities. Centuries ago they brought with them their native celebrations. The number of holidays is different in different states .But the most important are celebrated throughout the USA.

Ведущий : - To remember these holidays let"s guess a crossword puzzle. I’ll give you the sheets of paper with task. You will have 3 minutes to complete it. You can get 5 points for the proper job. … Give me your papers; our jury will check your replies.

Ведущий : - You worked hard, but every holiday can"t be without music. We offer to sing a song «Listen to my heart» performed by sisters КУЗЬМЕНКО …Your applauds please.

( песня «Listen to my heart»)

Ведущий : I know that every pupil like to do his homework. And I know that you got a home task for our party too. You prepared 4 questions about the USA. You will ask your rivals and they will have 30 seconds to think it over. Then another team will ask their question. Every right reply can give 1 more point. Let"s start. ….Thank you for great battle.

Ведущий : - English is widespread nowadays, it’s not a secret. But people in Britain and people in the USA have a lot of differences in saying the words. You can hear such expressions as British English and American English. British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom. American English is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within the United States.

So, our last task is to match American and British variants. Pay attention to the screen. You have 2 minutes to write pairs of words on the papers. … Give me your papers and let"s see the right replies on the screen.

Ведущий : While our jury is busy we have a fantastic unique chance to meet a famous American jazz singer at our party- Louse Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong we are waiting for you. Come in, please. Welcome to us. Everybody knows this song, so you can sing altogether.

(песня» let my people go » исполняет ученик загримированный под Армстронга)

Thank you. It was unforgettable.

How did you like our intellectual show?...

Ведущий : -Yes, I agree with you. Our performance was successful and useful. We learnt a lot of interesting facts about Americans, their life and culture. ""America! Who has seen you once, will never forget ” J. London.

Ведущий : -Our jury is ready to say the results of our intellectual show Larisa Petrovna,please,announce the results of competition…..-Now our show has come to a close. Thank you everybody. Good bye to all of you.

Презентация может быть использована для внеклассной работы по английскому языку на любом этапе изучения темы "Продукты питания".УМК любой.Презентация выполнена в технике "Анимированная раскраска", что делает работу с презентацией очень увлекательной.

Викторина «Добро пожаловать в Австралию» предназначена для развития познавательных способностей учащихся, а также для поддержания интереса к предмету «Английский язык». Кроме того, Любое соревнование на уроке помогает мотивировать учеников и делает урок интереснее, а участников соревнования — активнее. Также важно, что ученики пытаются ответить даже на те вопросы, точного ответа на которые они не знают. Правильная догадка обеспечит более прочное запоминание материала. Викторина рассчитана для учащихся 10 классов общеобразовательных школ.

мероприятие разработано на основе известной игры "КТО ХОЧЕТ СТАТЬ МИЛЛИОНЕРОМ?". направлено на повторение фонетического, лексического, грамматического материала. может проводиться как для команд, так и для индивидуального первенства.

Целевая аудитория: для 3 класса

Цель данного мероприятия:повторить и закрепить лексику по теме «Продукты».
1. Тренировка орфографических навыков.
2. Активизация английских букв и звуков.
3. Научить детей видеть результаты коллективной деятельности.
4. Развитие способности работать в группе.
Работа включает 8 конкурсов: "Разминка", "Договорки", "Знаете ли вы названия продуктов?", "Цепочки слов", "Цветочки и пчелки" (фонетический конкурс), "Расшифруй названия продуктов" (орфография), "Найди полку в магазине", "Распредели продукты по магазинам". Имеются приложения к 3 конкурсам. Работу можно использовать при повторении темы "Продукты" или во время проведения недели английского языка.

Целевая аудитория: для 3 класса

Цель: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме "Праздники ”.
актуализация лексических и фонетических навыков с целью извлечения конкретной информации;
развивать творческую фантазию и инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а также развивать познавательные интересы учащихся.

Целевая аудитория: для 3 класса

Мастер- класс по теме: «Праздники Германии- День Святого Мартина».

Образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся.

Развивающая: развитие познавательной активности и творческих способностей учащихся, формирование мотивации к изучению немецкого языка и умений использовать полученную информацию в новой коммуникативной ситуации.

Воспитательная: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям других народов.

Оборудование: коробка,цветная бумага,фольга,ножницы,клей,проволока,свечка плавающая.

Целевая аудитория: для 3 класса

Целью данного внеклассного мероприятия является актуализация полученных знаний по темам " История Олимпийских игр” и «Национальные виды спорта Великобритании и США».
Задачи которые ставятся перед учителем направлены на повторение изученного страноведческого материала об истории олимпийских игр, о национальных видах спорта Великобритании и США. А также: научить переносить полученные знания в новую ситуацию общения, способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка,формировать чувство организованности, уважения к сопернику, умения работать в команде.
Мероприятие проводится в форме викторины и построено на мультимедийной презентации с тематическими вопросами. может использоваться в рамках недели английского языка в школе работающей по УМК В.П.Кузовлева

Целевая аудитория: для 8 класса

Предлагается презентация и сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в форме командного конкурса-игры "Своя игра" по теме "Страноведение: Великобритания". Материал дается на русском языке, предназначен для учащихся старших классов, оптимально - 9-10 классы. Имеет цель активизировать и расширить знания истории, культуры, традиций страны изучаемого языка - Великобритании.Подходит в качестве завершающего урока или мероприятия для декады английского языка.

Целевая аудитория: для 9 класса

Мероприятие проводится учащимися 10 класса для учащихся 9-10 классов. Мероприятие включает себя презентацию (на 25-30 минут) и диспут (время неограниченно). Презентация позволит: 1.ознакомить учащихся с основными моментами биографии У.Шекспира, 2 английским театром "Глобус 17 века, 3 некоторыми сонетами У.Шекспира как на языке оригинала, так и в переводах известных поэтом Б.Пастернака и С.Маршака,4 творчеством поэтов, вдохновлённых У.Шекспиром, А.Ахматоой и Д.Самойловым, 5 попытаться в дискуссии найти ответы на вечные вопросы: "Быть или не быть?" , "Любить или покориться обстоятельствам".

Целевая аудитория: для 10 класса

Целевая аудитория: для 10 класса

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

«Путешествие в страну английского языка»

(8-9 классы)

Форма проведения: игра-соревнование. Цели: 1. Развивать устную речь учащихся. 2. Развивать креативные способности учащихся. 3. Воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета. 4. Обобщить страноведческие знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка. Задачи:
    Закрепить знания учащихся по темам («Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии», «Природа», «Животные», «Магазин» и др.). Развивать положительные личностные качества, тренировать внимание, память, мышление. Воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка.
Оформление: На доске флаги англоязычных стран, карта Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, квадрат цифрами, правила игры.

Ход мероприятия.

I. Приветствие ведущего. Quiz-leader : Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. Now we shall organize a competition called “Trip to English Land”. Two teams will take part in a game. It is time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the first team?Pupil 1: I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is “Smart pupils”. Our motto is “Learn English!” Quiz-leader : Who is the captain of the second team?Pupil 2: I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is “Optimists”. Our motto is “Enjoy English!”(Состав команд, их названия и девиз определяются заранее.) Quiz-leader: Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English. Now I have invited a jury to count the points. The members of our jury are … I am going to introduce you how to play this game. The game has 8 contests, they are: 1. The ABC game. 2. Fantastic reading 3. A magic 6 4. Riddles5. Think and choose6. The right choice. 7. Inventions and discoveries.

I hope you’ll enjoy our English trip and be friendly to each other. I wish you a good luck! Let’s start.

II. Основной этап.

Quiz-leader : The first contest of the game called “The ABC game” . Well, kids. And now look at the blackboard. There are some letters from the English alphabet. You must make up words as many as you can. You have 1 minute at your disposal.

Quiz-leader : And now we come to the second contest which is called “Fantastic reading”. I need 3 pupils from each team. You should read the tongue-twister as quickly as you can for 3 times.

    A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Needles and pins, needles and pins, when a man marries, his trouble begins. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. Only ten per cent of readers felt that they were healthy or very healthy. Six sportsmen shooting snips; seven Severn salmons swallowing shrimps. Britain has won the European Golden Song Contest for the ninth time. The winning song is “Bells are ringing” sung by Kay King.

(Дети из каждой команды вытягивают один билет со скороговорками)

Quiz-leader : The third contest is called “A magic 6”. Look at the square. Each team will take turns in answering questions. You will choose any number. “…”, it is your turn to start.
    Name 6 cartoon characters Name 6 English writers Name 6 sort of fruit Name 6 sort of vegetables Name 6 animals Name 6 sports Name 6 English songs Name 6 English-speaking countries Name 6 professions Name 6 colours Name 6 English names Name 6 London sights
Quiz-leader : Our next contest is called “ Riddles . You can get one point for each right answer.
    Higher than a house, higher that a tree –
Oh, whatever can that be? (a star)
    What falls on the water and never gets wet? (a shadow) Nobody saw it, but everybody heard it. (the echo) What is without hand and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door. (the wind) What is white and falls on the top of the roof? (snow) It flows, but cannot run out. (a river) It is white and cold. You can skate on it. What is it? (ice) A blue sheet which covers the whole world. (the sky)
Quiz-leader: Attention please ! The fifth contest is “Think and choose ”. Each team will get a list of words. You should choose the right variant. You have two minutes at your disposal.

The world of animals – 5 points Fantastic reading – 10 points Spaceflight – 19 or more points Think and choose – 18 points Will you continue – 15 points Only questions – 10 points Riddles – 8 points
1. The ABC game. - 5 points2. Fantastic reading - 10 points3. A magic 6 - 5 points4. Riddles - 8 points5. Think and choose - 18 points6. The right choice - 1 point7. Inventions and discoveries - 1 point